Remind Codes
Please sign up for the appropriate codes in order to receive updates on buses. Text the code that is next to your child's bus color to 81010 or log onto and enter the code(s).
RED: brpred
ORANGE: brporange
YELLOW: brpyellow
GREEN: brpgreen
BLUE: brpblue
PURPLE: brppurple
PINK: brppink
GOLD: brpgold
BLACK: brpblack
WHITE: brpwhite
FROG: brpfrog
GATEWAY: brpgw
Car Riders
Car Rider Procedures
● Please remember that instruction begins at 8:25 in the morning, so car riders should arrive to school no later than 8:23.
● If you arrive after 8:25, you will be asked to park in our parking lot and go into the school to check in your child.
● If your child needs to eat breakfast, you should arrive no later than 8:15. The cafeteria will close at 8:20 to allow all students to get to class on time.
● Students who ride home in a car on a REGULAR basis will be issued an official car tag with an identification number. Only those who ride home in a car on a REGULAR basis will receive a tag.
● The car tag with identification number must be visible when picking up your child/children.
● For students who are occasionally picked up, a parent must send a car rider note to school. If you do not have a car tag, you will be asked to park in our parking lot and enter the school, show ID and pick up your child. We highly encourage the person picking up in carpool to report to the front office before 3:00 pm.
Morning Drop Off:
• Enter the parking lot at the first entrance coming from I10.
• Merge into Carpool Lanes A, B, C, or D. Lanes A and B will then merge into Lane 1, while Lanes C and D will merge into Lane 2. (Morning Only)
• Lanes 1 and 2 will be unloaded at the same time to move the lines quickly. All cars should be completely stopped and placed in park during the unloading process.
• If you are dropping off a Pre-K student, please merge into Lanes C or D in order to utilize the right lane (Lane 2), closest to the building. Once parked, roll the window down to signify you need assistance with getting your child/children out of the vehicle.
• Duty teachers will signal with a whistle to alert students it is time to unload from the vehicle.
• Students should exit from the right (passenger) side of the vehicle.
• Vehicles will remain stopped and in park until all students have unloaded, then will be signaled by the duty teacher to exit the parking lot.
• When exiting the parking lot, cars in the left lane must turn left and cars in the right lane must turn right.
• All students must be dropped off from the carpool line. Students should not enter or exit the school from a parked car.
• Listen and watch duty teachers to ensure safety for all students.
• Smoking and cell phone use prohibited within the carpool line.
• If coming from Airline on Highway 73, be sure to leave a gap at the bus entrance for buses to enter and exit.
Afternoon Pick Up:
• Students will be issued a car tag. Each family will receive two tags. Additional tags may be purchased in the front office. Please display this tag from the rearview mirror in your car during dismissal time. Duty teachers will call out your child’s number to alert him/her. All children within the family should memorize their families assigned number.
• Enter the parking lot at the first entrance coming from I10.
• Merge into Carpool Lanes C or D ONLY. Lanes C and D will merge into Lane 2. (Afternoon Only)
• Vehicles will remain stopped and in park until all students have loaded, then will be signaled by the duty teacher to exit the parking lot.
• When exiting the parking lot, cars in the left lane must turn left and cars in the right lane must turn right.
• For safety reasons, parents must go through the carpool line. Students may not be removed from the car rider area to walk to a parked vehicle.
• If your child needs assistance buckling the seat belt, please pull up into the parking lot to buckle your child.
• Listen and watch duty teachers to ensure safety for all students.
• Smoking and cell phone use prohibited within the carpool line.
• If coming from Airline on Highway 73, be sure to leave a gap at the bus entrance for buses to enter and exit.
• Any car without a tag will be asked to park and sign out the child in the office to ensure the students’ safety.
Car Rider Map
If you have a PERMANENT change to your child's daily transportation please click here to fill out a transportation change form.
If you need a temporary change for your child for the day, please send in a handwritten note with the following information:
- Your child's name
- Date the change will take place
- Your child's homeroom teacher
- Method of transportation needed (bus color if applicable)
- Your signature