Library Media Center
Meet Our Staff
Curriculum and Technology Support - Mrs. Kimberley Du
Library Clerk - Mrs. Trina Reulet
Welcome to the Bluff Ridge Primary Library. We are here to help parents, teachers, and students
meet their reading and informational needs. The library has free check out every day, so students
may come to the library and exchange books as they need during "open library" times. Open
library times are once in the morning at 8:30am-8:50am and again in the afternoon from
2:45pm- 3:00pm. Every class has a scheduled library time once a week. During this time, we
read stories, practice reading skills, and take Accelerated Reader quizzes. Students learn to make
predictions, draw conclusions, inference, and compare and contrast other stories we have read.
They sequence events in a story and analyze the parts of a story such as setting, characters, problems, and solutions. We help students become responsible digital citizens by teaching online safety and digital literacy. Most importantly, we want students to be excited about reading!
BRP Media Center Program
The Bluff Ridge Primary Media Center serves to instill a love of reading, inspire life-long learning, and foster independent library use. Our library is an inviting space where students may acquire knowledge and gain insight; a welcoming haven where children may seek respite from a demanding day; a stimulating place where they may open books and open their minds for a better tomorrow.
Our school has a collection of books, reference items, magazines, eBooks provided by Ascension Parish Library, technology, and other materials available for students and staff. The library collection is constantly being evaluated and adjusted to ensure it meets the educational needs and reading desires of our students.
The main goals of our library are to foster a love of reading, promote the growth of literacy, and to create lifelong learners who can navigate the modern digital world.
Students have a scheduled library class each week, during which they receive instruction in the use of the library, its materials, and practice information literacy skills and digital citizenship. They are able to check out books of their choice.
- Image
Kindergarten through fifth grade students will use a device such as a laptop, iPad, or Chromebook throughout the school year. Students in K-5th grade will be assigned a Chromebook (computer) to be used in the classroom. ONLY FOURTH & FIFTH GRADE STUDENTS will be allowed to bring their Chromebook home with them to complete homework assignments/projects. Fourth and fifth grade students are required to pay the technology fee if the device will be brought home. If the fee is not paid, fourth and fifth grade students will not be able to bring their devices home.
All students and parents in grades K-5 must sign the Acceptable Use Policy Device Contract. Everyone should have completed the acceptable use contract during their online registration. This contract must be signed before devices can be assigned to students. The contract explains student and parent responsibilities and the district’s Acceptable Use Policy for technology, internet, and network use.
APSB offers a Technology Fee Program for all participants in the 1-to-1 program. Parents or guardians who DO NOT purchase the 1-to-1 device technology fee WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COST OF REPAIRS AND REPLACEMENTS that are not covered by the manufacturer’s warranty. It is recommended that all students participate in the Technology Fee Program.
Any devices damaged due to malicious act(s) by a student (for example: removing the keys off of the keyboard, cracking the screen, throwing or slamming down the device, detaching the motherboard, etc.) IS NOT covered by the technology fee, and the parent/guardian is responsible for the repair of the device. Disciplinary action will be taken according to district guidelines.
All students in grades K-5 will be taught lessons during the school year on digital citizenship and the acceptable use of school devices. If a student willingly chooses to access or create inappropriate content on a school device, a GAGGLE report will be sent to the school’s principal and librarian regarding misuse. Disciplinary action will take place accordingly. Using school devices and the network is a privilege, not a right. Failure to comply with the procedures as stated in the contract may result in being denied access to devices and further consequences.
Tech Tips!
- Internet Trouble
- Chromebook: Slow or Lagging
- Removing Extentions
- Updating Chromebook
- Accessing DRC App on Chromebook
- Singing in to Chromebook-1st Time
- Help!
Internet Trouble
Chromebook: Slow or Lagging
Chromebook: Slow or Lagging
If Chromebook is slow, please remove extensions (games, screensavers, anything that was added by the student), then restart the computer.
When issues are occurring during virtual class. It could be that too many tabs are opened. While still on the class call, turn off your camera, open up your program and then turn your camera back on.
Check for Updates. (See Updating Chromebook tab)
Removing Extentions
Removing Extensions
Adding games, extensions, ect. may really slow your device down. Please do not add games or extensions without your teacher's permission.
*Do not remove APSB extensions.
Please ask Mrs. Kim or Mrs. Trina in the Media Center if you have any questions.
Click on the three dots at the top right of your screen.
Click on “more tools” then “extensions.”
Delete any unnecessary extensions. Please ask your teacher, Mrs. Kim, or Mrs. Trina if you have any questions about which extensions should be kept or deleted.
Music and game sites will slow down your device.
How to Uninstall Extensions in Google Chrome (step-by-step instructions below)
Log into the device.
Double click on the “Google Chrome Internet” Icon
Click on the three dots located at the top right corner of your screen.
Scroll down and click on “More tools.”
Then click on “Extensions.”
Scroll down to “Chrome Apps” and remove any games the student has installed.
“X” out of the browser.
Shut Down your Chromebook.
Log back into your device and resume normal activity.
Updating Chromebook
Updating Chrome IOS on a Chromebook
Log in to device.
Click on “Menu” located at the bottom, right side of the screen. It is in the same place where the time and battery icons are displayed.
Click on “Settings.” It is the icon that looks like a gear
Click on “About Chrome OS” on the left side at the very bottom of the page (last option under Settings).
Click “Check for updates” directly under
Google Chrome OS.
Update computer and restart.
Complete "Accessing DRC App on Chromebook" to make sure your device is in compliance.
Accessing DRC App on Chromebook
Accessing the DRC App on a Chromebook
Log out of your Chromebook.
Click on
“Apps” icon located at the bottom left corner of the screen (next to Shut down).
Click on “DRC INSIGHT Online Assessments.”
Click on “Louisiana.”
Click on the (light blue checkmark inside of the box) ☑ located on the left side of the screen at the bottom of the page.
Input the Access Code “7745” and click “Submit.”
7 or 8 circles should be filled in GREEN with a checkmark inside of the circle. The ONLY circle that MAY NOT have a checkmark inside of the green circle is “Service Device Connection.”
If you do not see 7 green circles with checkmarks, RETURN the device to Mrs. Kim (School Library Media Specialist) ASAP.
***Many issues can occur when students add extensions and games to their device. It disrupts the settings and causes the Chromebook to not function properly. Please have students delete extensions and advise them to not add them. Thanks! 😃
Singing in to Chromebook-1st Time
First Time Log In:
Power on Device
Enter your email:
Student’s Last name plus their Student ID Number (Lunch Number) - No spaces
Click “Next” at the bottom of the screen
Enter your password:
Student’s Student ID Number (Lunch Number)
Example: 12345
Click “Next” at the bottom of your screen
You are now signed in to your Chromebook. 😊
General Information
Circulation Policy
Our library supports student choice and ready access to books. Although students are only assigned one library class visit a week, they are strongly encouraged to exchange their books after taking an AR quiz. All books checked out one week should be brought back the next class visit to the library to be checked back in or renewed. Students in 1st - 5th grade are encouraged to get books on their AR level.
Check Out Policy
All student materials are checked out for a one-week period. When checking out or renewing books, students must bring all materials currently check out to them back to the library. If a student finishes a book early, the library offers open check out times to exchange books. Open library times are once in the morning at 8:30 a.m. - 8:50 a.m. and again in the evening at 2:45 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Please help your child to keep track of their books and keep them in a safe place.
Library Expectations
Behavior Expectations
The library is a learning environment and the following behavior expectations are to be followed at all times.
- Listen to the speaker and follow all directions the first time given.
- Keep your hands, feet, and other objects to yourself.
- Take good care of the library and everything in it.
- Speak, work, and walk quietly. No running in the library.
- Be polite and treat all others with respect.
Book Care Expectations
Book Care Expectations:
- Use clean hands when handling books.
- Keep books away from food and liquids.
- Never write in, scribble on, glue, cut or tear the pages of a library book.
- Mark your place with a bookmark or a clean piece of paper. No Dog Ears!
- Turn the pages by using the top right corner of the book.
- Keep your books in a safe place at school and at home, away from babies and pets.
Technology Device Expectations
Technology Device Expectations:
APSB has implemented a 1:1 initiative for all students at this school. It is a privilege to be part of this project and it comes with understanding that students will assume responsibility in the use and care of the device that will be on loan to you for the school year. Only 4th and 5th students that technology fees are paid may take their devices home.
- Always follow the proper computer handling instructions.
- They should be carried with the lid closed using both hands.
- Do not deface the device or the school provided protective sleeve with stickers, markers, or graffiti. Do not remove any markings or tags placed on your device by the technology department.
- Devices must be placed securely on the working surface at all times.
- Do not carry a laptop that does not belong to you.
- Be cautious in the hallways, horseplay will not be tolerated!
- Do not leave devices in vehicles, the temperature can damage the battery.
- Devices and chargers should NEVER be left unattended in an unsecured environment. Please be sure that while at school, the device and/or charger is either in your possession or placed in its assigned spot.
- 4th and 5th grade student devices MUST be returned to school each day fully charged.
- Students may not install additional software, downloads, etc. Students must realize that devices are school property and all contents (software, internet use, network use) will be monitored by the technology department. Students should have no expectation of privacy and can expect teachers to conduct spot checks of Internet history, documents, e-mail etc.
- APSB reserves the right to monitor the Internet usage of all students through the use of specialized reporting software as well as other means available to teachers and administration. APSB has a content filtering system blocking specific Internet sites and students are not allowed to access inappropriate and or obscene sites. Off campus usage will be monitored with filtering and site logging software. We encourage parents to take an active role in monitoring home usage.
- Social networking sites such as Facebook are not allowed on district laptops while connected to the district network. Students need to be polite while interacting with other users while using emails and other social networking sites. Abusive or threatening language will not be tolerated. Do not swear, use vulgarities, or inappropriate language or send offensive messages or pictures.
- Do not reveal your password to another user. Do not use another user's password to access the network or Internet. Do not trespass into another user's files. Do not use another student's laptop.
- Do not reveal your personal address or phone number to anyone online. Do not reveal the personal address or phone number of another person.
- The device should not be used to copy, download or share copyrighted materials without the owner's permission. This includes the reproduction or downloading of music files and software applications.
- Do not damage computers, computer systems, networks or engage in other aspects of vandalism. Vandalism is defined as the intentional attempt to harm or destroy the equipment and or data of another user. This includes, but is not limited to, the uploading or creation of computer viruses. Vandalism is a major infraction of the rules.
- If your device is lost or stolen, you should report it immediately to your school's Media Specialist, Mrs. Kim. Mrs. Kim's contact information is: 225.391.2057
- In the case of intentional damage or neglect, Parent(s)/Guardian(s)will be responsible for paying for the device, privileges may be revoked, and consequences may be issued.
Activities & Programs
Accelerated Reader
In addition to the normal literacy and technology lessons taught each day, the Bluff Ridge Primary School Library participates in several activities and programs during the year to encourage reading success.
Accelerated Reader is a reading program designed to promote successful reading. It helps students and teachers track reading comprehension by providing the tools to measure improvement. AR places the focus on the careful reading of books, which in turn promotes critical thinking. Students who meet their reading goals will receive accolades and rewards.
Makerspace Stations
Once a month during every library class, the students will participate in makerspace stations. A makerspace is a place where students can gather in groups to collaborate, create, invent, tinker, explore and discover using a variety of tools and materials. The most important quality of a makerspace is that it encourages creativity.
Scholastic Book Fair
Read Across America Week
Every year in the Spring (usually in March around Dr. Seuss' birthday), our school will celebrate NEA’s Read Across America Week. Launched in 1998 by the National Education Association (NEA), Read Across America is the nation’s largest celebration of reading. This is an annual reading motivation and awareness program that focuses on motivating children and teens to read through events, partnerships, and reading resources that are about everyone, for everyone.
APL Digital Resources
Ascension Parish Library Student Accounts
Did you know that you can use many digital resources from the comfort of your home?
The Ascension Parish School District partnered with APL (Ascension Parish Library) and offers many digital resource programs for students, and teachers to use at school as well as at home with Educational eCards. The students and teachers have instant access to all of the digital resources APL has to offer. These programs include databases, ebooks, audiobooks, and more. Some resources include Encyclopedia Britannica, Pebbles Go, and National Geographic Kids, just to name a few.
Education eCards - How It Works?
How It Works:
1. eCard numbers are issued automatically to every student and teacher in Ascension Public Schools.
2. Simply go to APL’s website at
3. Enter in your eCard number.
· Your eCard number = myapl + your school ID/Lunch #
Example: myapl12345 (lowercase, no spaces, case sensitive)
4. Enter in your PIN number.
· Your PIN number = your school ID/Lunch #
Example: 12345
*Education eCards are for use with digital resources only. Checking out physical items requires a full-access library card available from any library location.
Accelerated Reader
Accelerated Reader
- Read & Reward with AR Handout
- How to take an AR quiz?
- Where can I find AR books?
- Is my book an AR book?
- Reminders!
Read & Reward with AR Handout
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Bluff Ridge Primary has kicked off its Read & Reward AR program! We understand that enthusiasm for learning is vital to every student's success. That's why we have incorporated a motivational system where students can earn rewards upon reaching their grade-level reading goal!
What is Accelerated Reader?
Accelerated Reader is a reading program designed to promote successful reading. It helps students and teachers track reading comprehension by providing the tools to measure improvement. AR places the focus on the careful reading of books, which in turn promotes critical thinking. There are three goals students should strive to meet each nine weeks: book level, percent correct, and points.
How does our incentive program work?
After students read a book, they log onto their computer, click on “Renaissance” in ClassLink, and take the AR Reading Practice quiz for the book they just completed. Tests can only be taken at school. They earn points based on their success on each quiz. The questions are designed to show how well the student understands the material. It’s one thing to read a book, and it’s another thing to comprehend it in a meaningful way.
How can parents/guardians help?
Assist your child with the daily reading of their AR book. Encourage their efforts and ask them about the stories they’re reading. Research proves it: Students perform better when parents are actively involved in the learning process.
What awards can students earn from this program?
1. Reading Rockstars – Weekly
Each week the top homeroom class in each grade level with the highest points earned that week will receive the spirit stick to keep in their classroom. AR quizzes must be passed with 80% accuracy or higher.
2. Keep the Falcon Award – Monthly
Each month the top homeroom class with the highest student participation will receive a small treat and may Keep the Falcon for a month. AR quizzes must be passed with 80% accuracy or higher.
3. Goal Crusher Award – Per Quarter
Each quarter the students who meet their individual goals will receive an award.
One goal- a certificate and a small prize
Two goals- a certificate, a small prize, and a treat
All three goals- a certificate, a small prize, a treat, and a coupon for free food or food item at a local participating restaurant. (Ex: Pizza Hut, Chick-fil-a, Canes, etc)
4. Over Achiever Reader Award – End-of-Year
One outstanding student per grade level will receive a special award. Winning students must have the most AR points in their grade level for the entire school year.
5. End-of-Year AR Party- more information to come!
● End-of-Year points goals are CUMULATIVE (based on the combined number of points earned all year). Therefore, students can still make their end-of-year goal even if they didn’t meet their semester one goal. More information to come on those goals.
● Most but not all books have AR Quizzes; please check to see if a book is an AR book. Students may also take quizzes on books that come from places other than our BRP school library.
● No forms will be filled out or turned in to the library; reports will be run from the AR website at the end of each quarter to see who has met their goals. Prizes will be distributed during library time.
Most importantly, PLEASE encourage your child to read so that they can have success with this program. Accelerated Reader helps educators, students, and their families put good reading practices into action and more than 30 years of research prove AR is highly effective at raising reading achievement for students of all ability levels.
Mrs. Kimberley Du
How to take an AR quiz?
Taking Accelerated Reading (AR) Quizzes - Long Text Alternative
Directions on how to take Accelerated Reading (AR) Quizzes
Taking Accelerated Reading (AR) Quizzes
DIRECTIONS: Please review the instructions below on logging in to take the AR quizzes and accessing books to read.
How to take an AR quiz?
The Renaissance AR link is available to students once they log in to ClassLink.
Click on the Google Chrome icon.
At the top left-hand corner, click on (Bookmarks).
A drop-down menu will appear. Scroll down and click on ClassLink.
Click Signed In.
User Name: Student’s Last name plus their Student ID/Lunch # - (No Spaces)
Example: Lewis12345
Password: Student’s Student ID/Lunch #
Example: 12345
In ClassLink, there are a lot of apps. Scroll down and click on the Renaissance icon.
Click on the orange Accelerated Reader icon.
Type in the title of the book you read or enter the quiz number and click the Search button.
Find the correct book on the screen and click the Take Quiz button.
Scroll down and click the (Reading Practice) Start Quiz button. Click on the correct answer for How did you read the book question. Then, click on the Start Quiz button again.
Once the quiz has been finished, students may click on the See My Progress button at the bottom of the screen. On the home screen, students can also click the Progress button to view their results.
On the Progress Page, students can see how many words they have read, find out how many points they have earned, and view their comprehension accuracy based on all the AR quizzes they have taken this year.
Where can I find AR books?
1.The majority of the books in our school’s library are AR books. The quiz number is written inside every book and all books that are AR, are tagged on the spine of each book.
Books can be purchased or borrowed. However, check to see if the book chosen is an AR book.
Books can be read online through APL (Ascension Parish Library).
All students have Education eCards. eCard numbers are issued automatically to every student and teacher in Ascension Public Schools.
Your eCard number = myapl + your school ID/Lunch #
Example: myapl12345 (lowercase, no spaces, case sensitive)
Your PIN = your school ID/Lunch #
Example: 12345
Quizzes can only be taken one time per book. No retakes are possible.
Some books are worth more points than others.
A passing quiz score is 80% accuracy or higher.
AR quizzes can only be taken at school during school hours.
Where can I find AR books?
Where can I find AR books?
The majority of the books in our school’s library are AR books. The quiz number is written inside every book and all books that are AR, are tagged on the spine of each book.
Books can be purchased or borrowed. However, check to see if the book chosen is an AR book.
Books can be read online through APL (Ascension Parish Library).
All students have Education eCards. eCard numbers are issued automatically to every student and teacher in Ascension Public Schools.
Your eCard number = myapl + your school ID/Lunch #
Example: myapl12345 (lowercase, no spaces, case sensitive)
Your PIN = your school ID/Lunch #
Example: 12345
Frequently Asked Questions
- Can students quiz from home? The Site License agreement only allows users to take quizzes at school.
- Can students re-take failed quizzes? Unfortunately, students can only quiz ONCE on a book. After each quiz, correct answers are shown for all missed questions. AR does not generate new questions for a second quiz.
- Can students read and quiz above or below their ZPD? We encourage students to stay within their ZPD for a successful reading experience.
- Can students read and quiz on books outside of our school library? Yes, just make sure the book/title is part of the Accelerated Reader Program. Please check to see if a book is an AR book.
- What does B.L.1.6 mean anyway? BL = Book Level. The first digit = grade equivalent. The second digit = months in school. (Ex. 2.7 = second grade; 7th month in school)
Is my book an AR book?
The majority of the books in our school’s library are AR books. The quiz number is written inside every book and all books that are AR, are tagged on the spine of each book.
Teachers, parents, and students can look up their book in to see if a book is an AR book. Users can search for book titles based on authors, topics, or titles of books. Just type what you want to search for in the search bar and click Search. YOU MUST SPELL THE TITLE EXACTLY AS WRITTEN ON THE BOOK OR IT WILL NOT SHOW INFORMATION FOR THAT BOOK if there is a quiz.
This site gives very useful information such as:
- AR Quiz Number
- Book Level
- Point Value
- Cover of Book
- Author's Name
- Rating